Change Vanguard. The Home of Transformation

Executive Coach, Speaker, and Facilitator

Transformative Coaching and Experiential Learning

Are you resourceful, focused and ambitious? Do you have a no-matter what attitude? Are you an optimist? Do you do your best to protect your loved ones and be a role model for others? Is growth, personal or your business, one of the most important aspects of your life? Are you self-reliant and unconventional in your approach?

But - despite all your achievements - do you sometimes find it difficult to trust others or struggle to have them join you in your intentions?

Do you have a secret dark side to your gifts that most people never see? Maybe others do not see your vision as clearly as you do and that frustrates you? Maybe you over rely on yourself to such an extent that you become isolated? Maybe you feel that your own definition of success is the wrong example for significant others you care about? Maybe you are frustrated when others do not act on your valuable insights the way you expect them to? Maybe you sometimes operate at such a high level and fast pace that you don't see how others struggle to keep up even when they try.

If this sounds like you, then we should have a conversation. Get in touch...

Join 400+ leaders that read my newsletter. Let me challenge your best thinking and help you accelerate your personal impact.

Join One Step Forward

When you merely resolve a problem, it manifests in different disguises. However, when you outgrow the problem, you break through to a higher level of awareness, presence and vitality. Bigger and more audacious projects come your way, and your work becomes more meaningful and intrinsically rewarding


What Most People Know About Me

I'm qualified in Psychology and Management from three leading European universities: La Sapienza, Helsinki Yliopisto, and Henley Business School. Earlier in my career I was recognised as an award-winning consultant, for my work in corporates.

Since 2016, I've coached leaders and professionals from widely diverse backgrounds, including executive sponsors in large corporations, the likes of Shell, Oxford University Press, Ashai, and SMEs across more than 10 industries worldwide. My clients include serial entrepreneurs, senior leaders, wealth managers, and in-entrepreneurial professionals.

In 2023 I received recognition as one of the winners of the 'Leadership for a Fairer World' contest. As a result I now serve as an Ambassador for the Henley Centre for Leadership at Henley Business School. My perspectives have been featured in British national publications including The Guardian, Metro, and The I Paper, as well as Brainz Magazine, and The Sunday Post. I author the monthly newsletter 'One Step Forward' and have been a guest speaker for organisations including JCI London (Chamber of Commerce), UCL (Save The Children), the UA in UK Fashion and Beauty Community. My talks have been described as "very insightful and even necessary during such challenging times."


What Only a Few People Know About Me

I grew up in a family of brick-and-mortar business owners in a small Southern Italian town.

During the 1980s and 1990s, the area was particularly challenging for business owners, due to corruption, organised crime, and limited access to business education and institutional support. These experiences deeply influenced my views and interests in human psychology, entrepreneurship and adaptive leadership in complex environments.

I've developed deep expertise at the intersection of scientific frameworks, human psychology, and the practical mechanics of evolving businesses. Through my coaching and consulting work I've uncovered how layers of conventional thinking are insidious saboteurs of progress and growth. I've also noticed how a leader's ambition and willingness to take full personal responsibility can lead to self-doubt, attempts to control circumstances, and strain important relationships.

To experience peace of mind, vitality, and deeper personal relationships one must be challenged by a trusted partner and learn the mindset distinctions to elevate you away from older paradigms.


Clarity is the precondition of confidence. Seek clarity first. You will experience a sense of calm, yet guided and inspired confidence.


World-class leaders are smart learners. They seek insight, depth, and transformation rather than mere exposure to information. You will experience breaking through to higher levels of awareness.


Accelerated impact is when others follow us because they choose to, not because they are obligated to. You will enhance your ability to lead and inspire those that matter the most to you.

Even the grandest of rooms such as the Tea Lounge at the Claremont Hotel Victoria, London can be filled with joy motivation as you listen to Manuel. We at JCI London were very pleased as Manuel joined our Gala on Saturday and gave a speech. Manuel shared his unique expertise with JCI presidents, senators, board directors and others. In his speech, Manuel shared the three important lessons that have helped him overcome countless setbacks and we all found them very insightful and even necessary during such hard times. Thank you very Manuel for joining us and we are very looking forward to future collaborations.

Ali Zein Ahmad - JCI London Director of Business Development

It starts with a conversation

Let's talk


Trade Confidence for Clarity

Confidence without clarity can lead to bias, and confuse your thinking. Trade confidence for clarity.

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Turn information into insight

Insight brings about change in behaviour. Mere exposure to information confuses you. Turn information into insight and your world will change.

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Becoming Bulletproof

Your habitual environment determines how you see your world. You must become a collector of deeper, and more pertinent insights to stay relevant.

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Three types of discomfort

Excessive comfort can become the invisible glass ceiling that holds you back. What is your areas of acceptable discomfort?

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Soft and hard competencies in solo-preneurship

Solo-preneurship isn't solely about gaining practical skills. The right order of intervention is: 'be, do, get' rather than the other way around.

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One conversation at a time

The depth of our relationships matters more than ever before to sustain mental and physical wellbeing. And it is not always about the people we like spending time with.

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Renata Kaminska

Author & Entrepreneur

"Manuel quickly set me on a path to personal transformation, helping me develop self-awareness and realise both professional and personal ambitions"

Aleksandra Volkova

Fashion & Beauty Entrepreneur

"..I highly recommend Manuel as an inspiring, professional and motivational speaker. We look forward to future collaborations"

Graeme S.

Chief Information Officer

"You have truly helped us to build a Brand that has created an Identity and underpins the new IS organisations capability"

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